
Nature Forest Insect Expressions About ImageImagine sitting alone in a quiet forest. You hear birds whistling in the trees above. You feel warm sunlight on your face. You see nature around you full of life; insects fluttering, creeping, and exploring, unaware of your presence.

Here, at Insect Expressions, I seek to capture that peace in my natural insect art designs so that every time you see them, you can escape for a moment of tranquility in that quiet forest.

I create each order according to your specifications with love and attention, to ensure that you will enjoy your insect art for years to come.


With serenity,



Insect specimens sold here are collected from sources around the world, including insect farms, without harming the environment or insect populations and none are protected species. 




About the Artist

Insect Expressions handcrafted nature art about the artist

Living with Cerebral Palsy has taught me to never give up. Every obstacle is an opportunity for creative problem-solving. My best creative ideas have a legacy of failed attempts behind them. In the words of Ryan O’Neal: “in the darkest of rooms, light shines the brightest.”

Living with sensory sensitivity has taught me the importance of seeking silence and solitude. In the midst of this life, so full of noise and activity, I hope that my art will whisper a small reminder to pause and just breathe.